Kissed by the Gods

Helping you be lucky in life for more love health money happiness kindness comfort joy


Hello gorgeous humans! It warms my heart to see so much awakening and new inspiration

beaming into the Earth floor. We are being helped by so many Spirits! This is about fundamentally moving out of the loops of yesterday. We are rediscovering ourselves as spirit vessels - gifted with incredible potential and designed for fearless flow. I love this for us!


Inner Circle Online

Access spheres of light to enhance your luck, open doors and code your light body for success even if you're totally depleted from life.

Right now we have Helpful Spirits literally beaming in from every angle.
— Rae

Worried at all?

I hear you; some of the frequency changes pull very old, much loved, wool from our eyes. Can be a bit ouchy.

This is what the upheaval/Call is for…

  • to get us to plug in our intuition to tap the depths of our wisdom and love

  • to restructure our relationships for vitality and life-giving community

  • to live life reflective of our total self, harmonious and delight-filled

don’t forget we are in this together and we have OODLES of help!

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life journey improved by divine beings